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Cnc Turret Punching

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CNC turret punching is a cost effective method for cutting sheet steel in moderate to long runs. It has vast tooling potential for the increased versatility. This means ability to produce variety of components without re-tooling. This results in significant saving in production cost and noticeable increase in productivity. This has a great impact on job work cost and so we are able to do job work with excellent quality at affordable cost..

We have CNC Turret punch presses of reputed makes such as Trumpf and Amada with a bed size of 1.25 x 2.5 mtr and tonnage range of 20 to 300 Tons. We have a large stock of the tools required for turret punch press operations.


  • The CNC Turret Punch Press gives high productivity in an economical way.
  • It has the ability to produce variety of components without re-tooling and thereby saving in production cost.
  • It is best suitable for regular and repetitive job work

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* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

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Argon Welding, Argon Welding Job Works, Cnc Laser Cutting, Cnc Machine Bending, Cnc Turret Punching, Metal Powder Welding Job Works, Mig Welding, Oxy Fuel Cutting, Plasma Cutting, Powder Welding Job Works, Products, Robotic Welding, Sand Blasting, Sheet Steel Fabrications, Spray Welding Job Works, Stick Welding, Tig Welding, Steel Laser Cutting